ARIANA GRANDE HAS no time for nonsense, as she has proven time and time again.
A few weeks ago, the singer shared visuals from the music video for her latest single Dangerous Woman on Facebook.
A fan then decided to inform Ariana that, as much as he liked the song, he just felt that she looked like a “whore” in the video.
Ariana all respect, but dangerous woman I loved but the trouble is that he video salts like a whore!.. sorry for the rudeness, I only just said the truth…. SORRY Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande decided to leave it for a few days before responding, but it was most certainly worth the wait.
when will people stop being offended by women showing skin / expressing sexuality? men take their shirts off / express their sexuality on stage, in videos, on instagram, anywhere they want to… all. the. time. the double standard is so boring and exhausting. with all due respect, i think it’s time you get your head out of your ass. women can love their bodies too!!
Ariana’s response was greeted with a steady stream of “praise” and “yass baby”.
We tend to agree.